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The Ho West District Assembly through the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development has presented items to persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the District on Friday 24th June, 2022 at the forecourt of the Assembly.

An amount of 57,500.00 was used to purchase the items whiles 11, 200.00 was given as startup capitals to the beneficiaries. Twenty (21) beneficiaries made up of twelve (12) females and Nine (9) males were presented with various items such as Deep Freezers, Spices Grinding machine, Fufu pounding machine, Palm Kernel Cracker Machine, whiles some were given educational support, assistive device and an amount of cash to support their businesses.

The District Director of the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, Mr. Roland Kumfo noted that the beneficiaries’ forms part of the second batch of PWDs that have benefited from the Common Fund bringing the total to Fifty-two (52) beneficiaries this year. He indicated the items presented is to help them reduce poverty that will enable them leave an independent life in a dignified manner. He also cautioned beneficiaries not to sell the items but use it for its intended purposes.

Addressing beneficiaries, the District Chief Executive, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau indicated that as part of government’s effort to empower PWDs economically through dignified Labour increased the share of the District Assembly Common fund from two percent to three percent in order to capture more PWD in the district.

The DCE explained that depending on the complex nature of the disability, the Assembly often give assistance to PWDs through care givers to enable them generate income to take care of them.

He reiterated that the items given to the PWDs is a one-time benefit, hence encouraged them to use the items judiciously. He added that monitoring of the items will be carried out to ensure they have been put in good use.

The District Coordinating Director, Mr. Wisdom Kporngor also urged Persons with Disabilities in the district who have not registered to do so with the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development in order for them to also benefit from the fund.

One of the beneficiaries on behalf of his colleagues expressed their gratitude to the Assembly for the items and also promised to make good use of the items to generate the needed income.

In attendance were the Assembly members from the Beneficiary Electoral Areas and some line officers of the Assembly.


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